Email Account Request Form Home Library & Information Services Email Account Request Form Library & Information Services About Hedberg LibraryLibrary ResearchBorrowing & AccessArchives & Special CollectionsComputer & Technology ServicesMedia ServicesTelephonesNews & EventsFrequently Asked Questions The following form is intended for members of the Carthage Community who need an email account and address created for groups, events, search committees, departments, etc. By submitting this form you agree to the following: * Any misuse of the account will result in IMMEDIATE deletion of the account and possible disciplinary action for any and all persons who have access to the account. * Only persons listed on this form will have access to the account. * The account will be used only for the purposes described in the form below. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. requested_by_name required text field Requested by (Name)* Please enter the full name of the Carthage Community member requesting this new address (e.g. your name). email_address_of_requestor required e-mail address field Email Address of Requestor* requested_by_carthage_id_numbe required text field Requested by (Carthage ID Number)* Please enter your Carthage ID number. name_of_the_account_requested required text field Name of the account requested* What do you want the email address to be? purpose_of_account required textarea field Purpose of account* names_of_all_users_who_will_ha textarea field Names of ALL users who will have access to this account. Please include all Carthage Community members who will have access to this account. Account access is restricted to FOUR people. Please include their Carthage ID numbers. do_you_want_to_share_this_addr required radio button field Do you want to share this address with the Carthage Community?*Checking "yes" will allow users to see the email address as an option to choose from when composing an email. Checking "no" will allow users to send mail to this address, but will need to know the exact address to do so. Yes No Link (required)